About two weeks ago, we got a good amount of snow here in Louisville. It was beautiful!! Everything was covered in white, glistening and so peaceful! Of course, we went out to play, and then went inside to make snowmen-shaped decorated sugar cookies. Though JJ has been out in the snow 2 or more times already, this was the first time, I believe he really enjoyed it...Eli still needs a few more doses of it!

JJ did not hesitate as soon as he got outside. He immediately started walking in it, feeling it fall...
...trying to catch it...
...Eli just sat there, wondering what all the fuss was about! :)
Daddy came out to play and of course, the boys always love it when Daddy plays with them!
JJ bravely tried sledding with daddy
On the other hand, Eli seemed to say, "Iiii don't know about this, daddy"
But he was encouraged by his big brother, who he loves and already tries to imitate!

Mami with her boys

Eli was happy when we helped him stand in the snow, rather than sit in it

My sweet big boy

Daddy taking JJ on a sled ride...JJ absolutely loved this! Daddy went around the yard, faster and faster, and JJ just kept asking for more!

This fun had its falls!...JJ didn't mind :)

Mami and JJ's first snow angels!
JJ getting up for more fun
This video is very dark...you actually can't see much at all. I was about to not post it, but Josh encouraged me to add it. I guess it will be mainly for the abuelitos/grandparents. Its cute to hear JJ's little voice laughing, acting like he is on a choo-choo train and asking for more-- mas!
enanos! enanos!!! I love the pics. the black and whites are very good! I miss them so much! dale una bola de nieve en la jeta de mi parte!
Gracias por compartir la vida de nuestros nietitos en su Louisville con nieve. Envien MAS fotos cuando puedan. MAS..
Les queremos
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