JJ finger-painted his home-made birthday party invitations. Our theme was firefighter/trucks, which have always fascinated JJ. He always runs to the window when he hear a siren and points to the firetrucks everytime we drive by the station.
Painting with "Pika's" help
Soooo concentrated
"oooooohhhh! Mira pika!"
Mami trying to control the messy paint
The finished invitations, ready to be mailed.

We can't have a birthday party without a pinata (something we grew up with no matter where we lived). JJ and Abuelito worked on stuffing the firetruck pinata...

...and of course, they had to taste some of the goodies, while they worked! :)

Happy waking boy the morning of his birthday. Daddy and mami walked in the room singing to him, which started a day full of smiles.

Practicing blowing out a candle on his birthday pancake...daddy had to help.

"Cuantos anios tienes, JJ?" "DOS!" :)

"Que sera, abuelitos?!"..."like it!"

Making this firetruck cake was so much fun! I am starting to get the grasp of this! :)

Singing happy birthday to you... JJ surprised us by blowing out his birthday candle on cue all by himself!!

JJ went straight to picking out all the M&Ms on his birthday cupcake and then the frosting :)

"mmm....this good!"

Sweet Ashley celebrated her 22nd birthday, along with JJ. Here is mami with the birthday boy and girl.

Playing pass the parcel

"pass the parcel, JJ, pass it!"

JJ tearing off a layer and finding a surprise!...Luke was the big winner.

JJ's friend Aiden playing with JJ's new blow up toy. Thanks Papaw and Mamaw and Aunt Ginger and Uncle Vinnie and Patrick and Lilly!

Pinata time!!!

Eye on the target...

back, step, and...

swing it! Yeyyy JJ!

The coloring table was a bit hit with all of JJ's dear youth friends/babysitters! :)

The big surprise of the night was getting a visit from the real Fairdale firefighters in their firetruck!

They dressed up with all their gear to show the kids that they shouldn't be afraid of them and explained to the kids (and adults) what they needed to do in case of a fire. Very informative.

JJ went up to say thank you and immediately verbalized what was really on his mind, "see big firetruck?"

so, in spite of the cold, we spent a good while outside admiring the shiny big firetruck

Our little firefighter!

JJ's friend Luke

JJ got to see all the gadgets in the firetruck, and even hear the loud siren!

JJ's friend Adrianne

JJ knows that being a firefighter is a serious job! :)

I realized we didnt get many pictures at all of baby brother Eli during the party, so I had to take this one at home to show that Eli really did join in the fun with the firefighter/truck birthday party.
Dios, en verdad, les ha bendecido con esos dos ninitos, nuestros nietitos. Al mirar las fotos y los videos del 2do. cumpleanios de JJ recordamos con mucha alegria y quedara grabado en nuestras mentes y corazones que Dios nos permitio pasar alla ese cumpleanos feliz. La Mama se paso con el keike "cake", el papa dio buenas instrucciones para que JJ rompiera la pinata con clase, y Eli esta hermosisimo con la pinta de bombero. Que Dios les bendiga ricamente y JJ go JJ y JJ go JJ!!!!!! Les queremos
Pika y Lito
Yo tambien me uno para decirles que quedan lindos recuerdos con las fotos y videos! que bonito y que bendicion poder disfrutar de la fiesta de nuestro nietito JJ. Eli esta bien lindo en la foto con el casco. Con el amor de Pika
eeeeeeewy, eeeeeewy, eeeewy!!!
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