This little boy will be 10 months old tomorrow (Nov.2). I cannot believe it. He is growing up so quickly. Let me just mention a couple things I love about my son.
1-He is impatient. Life's too short, lets do something.
2-He is not lazy and loves to be up and out and about. He's active. In this way, he is very much like his daddy and both grandfathers.
3-He is fun.
4-He loves to wrestle me. Ive already had a few busted lips and perhaps some cauliflower ear from JJ taking it to me.
5-He loves having God's Word read to Him. We have read it to Him everyday of His life and He is daily more interested in it.
6-He is tough. When he falls, I dont react. And he has learned to take it well.
7-He loves the ball. Any kind of ball. He's closer and closer to catching a pass from me.
8-He is not picky with food. He will eat any kind.
9-He loves the Youth at our church. Its amazing to me how he gets passed around like a doll from teen to teen and he just loves every bit of it.
10- And my favorite...He loves his momma! Even at 10 months, JJ has such a deep true committed love to his mother. This makes me so happy. I thank God for his mother.
He is getting so big so fast! Hope to see all of you soon. We love you!
JJ looks so old in this picture. :( I can't believe how fast our boys are growing up.
Como crece!!! gracias a Dios por eso, pero queremos verle pronto y abrazarle y gozarnos con todos sus adelantos, le queremos muchisimo a este chiquitito!! la Abuelita
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