Las fotos que siguen son de JJ nadando con amigos de la iglesia...le encanta estar con los chicos! :)
It has been a hot summer and JJ has enjoyed cooling off in the pool! The first picture was taken early in the summer when the water was still a little cold and JJ didn't have a swimming suit yet. But he is always having fun with daddy!
The following pictures are of JJ swimming with some friends from church...he loves to be with the guys! :)

Seguimos tratando de que nuestros videos no pierdan su calidad al ponerlos aqui...todavia no lo logramos, pero por lo menos pueden compartir la experiencia de JJ cuando Josh le sumergio en el agua...no sabia que pensar! Creo que le gusta mas moverse por encima del agua! :)
We are still trying to figure out how to put our videos on here without loosing their quality...we haven't succeeded yet, but at least you can share in JJ's experience when Josh dunked him in the water...he didn't know what to think about it! I think he likes moving over the water better! :)

Que lindo esta mi nieto!!! va a ser un "pescadito", preciosas fotos y los papitos estan muy lindos y felices. Que bueno es Dios verdad?! que pronto llegue el dia de verles. Abuelita
the videos arent bad quality. a little choppy but you can still see them pretty clearly. I love them! Dunk him some more! he's funny when he comes out of the water! :)
Hi Josh, Val, and JJ. I love looking at all your new pics of JJ. I wish we could see him more! He is so cute! We are trying the "blogging", but I haven't done too much yet especially comparing it to your page. Hope you see you all soon!
He is precious! We look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Love you, Uncle Vinnie, Aunt Ginger, & Patrick
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