JJ went to his 6-month appointment early this week. We praise God that his pediatrician found him healthy, growing and strong. He now weighs 17 lbs and is 26 1/2 inches long. JJ has three teeth- two at the bottom and one coming in at the top. He can sit up well, talks all the time, eats rice cereal, vegetables and we will be moving on to fruit and meat very soon! Our pediatrician also finally told us that he believes our son will keep his light colored eyes, believing them to be hazel (blue and/or green, depending on what he is wearing). This time, they gave JJ 3 vaccinations and one oral (less than previous appointments). These shots didn't make him overly fussy, and he still smiled even with his bandaids on...however, he did run a slight fever that night. We are humbled and sooo grateful to our good God for a healthy baby, whom we love so much! Below is a short video of JJ playing with his toys and splashing during his bath. He loves to do everything sitting up now!
Que sorpresa!!! ya esta grandecito y mas fuerte. Dios es bueno!!! me emocione mucho al verle a mi chiquito. Abuelita
Loved the video!:) Praise God for a healthy baby:)- Tara
he's sooo cute! that smile melts me every time! I miss him and glad he will keep his blue eyes, although if I ever get to baby sit him and take him out and about people will think I stole the kid!
i just found this via james adairs blog.
what in the world?
it's been so long brother.
so glad to see that you are doing well......
we are expecting our 2nd boy next month. it is awesome.
your little one is so cute.
tara (bryan) hudgins
I loved the video of JJ in the bath - it is so fun to watch him grow and to look forward to all that Liam will be able to do soon, too! Let us know whenever y'all make the trek to Tifton, we'd love to open our home to you to spend the night and break up the trip a little (& of course to introduce JJ & Liam!!!)
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