What a blessing the life of JJ Greene has been to our home!! We can't imagine our home, our days, our lives without him now! On January 2nd our 'little' boy turned 3!!! So hard to believe how fast he is growing. His 3-year doctor check up went great! He is growing and developing in many ways. For the first time in the office, it was fun to see our JJ have a conversation with the nurse and doctor and follow instructions on several things (drawing, jumping, counting, etc.) We praise God for a healthy 3-year old! JJ's birthday celebration was a lot of fun. We had a full weekend. On the first day of the year we held a special birthday party for him at our church with dear friends who have become our family here in KY. We did miss our family in NC and NY, but we are thankful for those that are our family here in KY. You all gave JJ a very memorable party!
Here is the birthday boy at his party.

Beegee was our photographer. She did great and we are so thankful for all the memories she caught on camera! She is also one of JJ's favorite people!
Digging into his birthday cupcake...icing first!
Mmmmm....sooo yummy!
Evidence that it was good and all gone! :)

Russell enjoying a cupcake
Eli enjoying a cupcake...
He got sooo dirty...but he is at the stage of not wanting any help :)
David enjoying a cupcake
Noah enjoying a bottle :)
Kristy helping us with our little boy
Pinata time!!...again for the first time with a blindfold...here he is feeling it...feeling it...
...and going for a hit (the blindfold caused him to not hit as hard as he usually can and does!)
So we decided to get rid of the blindfold so the kids could go at the pinata harder...and break it quicker!
Three-year-old waiting to open presents.
Opening a transformer from Jon! He loves these but still asks daddy and mami to help him do the transforming part (which we have had to learn...but will soon be experts in!)
Dino Lollipops-- the party favors beegee and I made.
The next day, Sunday, was JJ's actual birthday. Our Sundays are usually quite busy with church and all, but daddy surprised JJ...and his Sunday School class...by getting up early to get fresh Krispy Kreme donuts with sprinkles on top! Here is a video of JJ's SS class singing to him and him blowing out the candles on his donut :)

We have a family tradition of taking the birthday boy (and the whole family) to celebrate at Chuck-E-Cheese. Our boys absolutely love this treat! I think it will be a tradition we will have to hold on to for a good while! :)
Here is our family with JJ's cookie cake.
Sweet little Noah taking in all the craziness of Chuck-E-Cheese
Pizza!-- It is so great to see how much Eli enjoys his food! :)
Ms. Linda showing JJ how to bowl...
Good job, JJ!
Eli found a way to play the older kid games :)
He loved being able to throw a ball!
JJ and mami racing a car. I absolutely treasure and love any opportunity to have my firstborn sit on my lap!

God had been soooo good to us in giving us JJ for 3 wonderful years!! We pray that He will continue to bless our boy with life, health and very soon, a heart to know and follow Jesus.
Feliz Cumpleanios preciosito JJ!!!
Gozamos con las fotos y videos! lindo el cumpleanero, sus hermanitos y papitos. Les queremos mucho mucho!
Happy Birthday JJ!!!!! Josh, Chris loved the Bobcat jersey he had on. He speaks of you all often. He wants to come visit so bad. I told him we would have to talk to you and Val to see what we could work out. Thank you for being a blessing, mentor and friend to Chris.
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