JJ joined the youth group at the Louisville Bats baseball game tonight! It was his first baseball game and it was such an enjoyable time for all of us. The bats field is downtown Louisville, next to the Ohio river, so the sunsets are beautiful, the breeze always feels great and the atmosphere is very relaxing...
JJ se unio al grupo de jovenes de nuestra iglesia al ir a un partido de baseball de los Louisville Bats esta noche! Fue su primer partido de baseball y fue una experiencia bien agradable para todos nosotros. El estadio queda en el centro de la ciudad de Louisville, al lado del rio Ohio, asi que las puestas de sol son hermosas, la brisa siempre se siente bien rico y el ambiente es muy relajante...

In spite of the heat, JJ was such a happy baby and enjoyed looking around at everything...he had so much to look at!
A pesar del calor, JJ estuvo tan feliz y fascinado mirando tantas cosas alrededor de el!

Daddy sharing his love of sports with son. Papa compartiendo su amor por los deportes con su hijo.

It got late and JJ let us know by yawning, rubbing his eyes and laying his head on our shoulders (we've been blessed with a baby who rarely cries). We took him home early, as tomorrow we will take him to yet another adventure...a full day at Holiday World ("Back to School Fun with FBCF Youth").
Se nos hizo tarde y JJ nos dejo saber al bostesar y acostar su cabecita en nuestros hombros (Dios nos ha bendecido con un bebe que rara vez llora). Le llevamos a casa temprano, ya que maniana siguen las actividades con los jovenes de la iglesia. Dios mediante, JJ ira todo el dia a un parque de agua y diversiones llamado Holiday World...pronto vendran fotos...
I am so anxious to see you all. JJ looks like he is having a great time. We miss you! Love, The Owens
i love u guys!!
I'm sure you are all worn out from all the back to school stuff! Sorry I didn't make it Monday night. Russell and I have been working on getting ourselves back into school schedule for the past couple of weeks. :)
such sweet pictures:)
Did JJ catch a foul ball?!?!
what's up with the engerland shirt!! where'd you get it!?
Come on England!!
hey guys!
sittin in bed with boys, reading by flashlight when Candace brings us the comp. with ya'lls comment and blog. what a joy to see and hear from ya'll. JJ is a gook looking boy(to be expected) how did you find us? are u getting are updates? if want them just email us @ thelanfords@gmail.com
much love and tell the powel's we would love to hear from them.
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