I am blessed beyond words to have Josh as the father of my little baby! He is such an amazing father... I knew he would be years ago after seeing him interacting with all the kids at church, but now with our own little one, I see it 100 times more every moment of every day! I know Josh is humbled and overjoyed together with me that God has allowed us to come to the point of celebrating Father's Day in our own family. We realize what a precious gift from God it is to be parents and every Father's Day from here on out, our hearts will always be praising our good God! This month, as we have celebrated Father's Day, I have reflected a lot on what kind of a man God has given us in our home. He is truly not just a hard-working provider, but a very loving, involved man in each of our lives. I enjoy seeing him changing JJ's diapers, singing JJ to sleep, giving JJ a bath, taking JJ for a walk, playing with JJ...and even more, through everything that he does, he is faithfully teaching our son and instructing him in the way of the Lord. This is the type of man I had prayed for! JJ loves his daddy and it is so obvious, as he smiles so so big everytime Josh comes home or near him. I thank our Heavenly Father, whose grace at work in my husband makes all this possible. I pray that JJ would grow up admiring and imitating this man of God, who we love sooo much!
The above picture was taken on Father's Day at a club here in Fairdale where we had lunch after Josh got the opportunity to preach at church. The bottom video is a very short video of how happy daddy makes JJ when they play together. Enjoy!
What a kid He gave you!!
The problem with kids is they grow too fast, so live every minute you both have with him. We're glad everything is going well. un abrazo.
Ramón, Vivi y Guaguas
Josh & Val,
I love your blog and seeing how your family is growing so beautifully. You are truly blessed and it shows on each of you. Next time you are in Matthews I would enjoy seeing JJ.
Love, Sherry
Hermosa foto! cuanto me alegra el corazon saber que se quieren y que disfrutan tanto de su chiquito. Dios les bendiga, ojala les veamos pronto. Les extranio inmensamente! la Mami
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