We often ponder on how blessed we, and especially our boys, are to have such wonderful grandparents...and yet the distance is difficult as we would love for our boys to be around them so much more! However, being apart makes times that we are together so sweet and important to us. We truly treasure those visits! Recently, during the Memorial Day weekend, we were delighted to have Papaw and Mamaw come up to visit. It was an eventful weekend, and even though JJ got sick and wasn't feeling quite like himself, we enjoyed every moment of the visit. Here are some pictures of our boys enjoying papaw/mamaw-time! :)

A trip to the zoo never grows old! Their slogan is so true- "every day is different!" Papaw and Eli looking on at the pretty African elephant.

Cool daddy and son :)

Glacier Run was new to Papaw and Mamaw. The grizzly bears are so much fun to watch! Mamaw and Eli looking at the grizzly cub playing around on the bed of the truck.

Mamaw and Eli

Papaw with his namesake grandson, Noah Morris

Laughter with Mamaw

Sweet Eli looking for the polar bear...

...and there she is!!

We hope the polar bear will soon adjust to her new home at Glacier Run. Everytime we've been there she has been at that same spot.

Noah got a new zoo hat from Papaw!

JJ and papaw hanging out

JJ loves the zoo maps! He always wants one and wants to show us the way. He is a good tour guide! :)

The Greene men looking for the seals and sea lions.

It was hot!

Mamaw and Eli looking at the turtle

A manly chat

Papaw and Mamaw also treated us to a yummy dinner at Cheddar's (first time for them). Here they are relaxing with Noah.

Mamaw and JJ and Eli (not really wanting to take a picture)

Papaw and Mamaw came with a mission-- to surprise us with a beautiful swing set for our boys! We were overwhelmed by their generosity and know that it is just a small indication of the big love they have for our boys! The weekend was largely devoted to this-- papaw and josh worked long and hard on this...

I think Papaw needed a real vacation after all this :)

Daddy focused on the task

This was really good father-son time! Josh greatly enjoyed tackling this task with his dad :)

We are thankful that Papaw was very detailed in making sure the swingset was built as sturdy and safe as possible for our boys!

JJ and Eli absolutely love their swingset! Every day they ask to go out to play in it. They have so much fun swinging, sliding, climbing up into their tree house, taking books up there to read, and having picnics on their picnic table! They can't wait for Noah to join in! :)

We love you Papaw and Mamaw! Thank you for giving our boys a fun swing set, taking the time and energy to make a trip up to visit us, and most importantly for your love! We cannot wait to see you again!!