I am finally getting to post pictures from our fun trip to Gatlinburg back in the end of January of this year. Josh was blessed with the opportunity to preach at a youth ski retreat of some dear friends' church from South Carolina. My parents and sister were able to come up and stay with us at our nice cabin for the weekend. This was doubly a blessing to me as I got help with the boys, while Josh was busy with the retreat events and preaching, and any time to get together with our family is such a joy!
Here are a few pictures of us at our cabin...

A really dark part of the aquarium had giant crabs, and our boys loved watching them. It was really cute to hear them, especially Eli, talking to the crabs. Here is a pic and another short little video...

The penguin habitat was one of the aquarium's main attractions. I think since we went late in the afternoon, we didn't see as much penguin interaction, but it was a lot of fun to watch them. Their habitat had tunnels for kids (and adults) to crawl through in order to observe the penguins from different angles. It was so much fun for our boys...and daddy! :)
All the penguins had their names on them. Our boys especially liked Norman. Here is a close up of him and JJ watching him...

Brothers racing through the penguin tunnels
Eli being introduced to Norman :)
The stingrays were also so much fun to watch

Our firstborn, JJ, is growing up sooo fast. It amazes us especially when we see pictures of him and realize how big he is getting!
Lito with Noah at the end of our visit
Eli watching a jumping toy daddy got for them
Sorpresa para Lito y Pika...a little reminder of our fun time at the aquarium...the boys are more interested in what Pika has for them in that little bag :)
Aquarium animal Gummies!!!!
This was such a fun trip for us! Of course, traveling with 3 little ones, taking them away from their home, their beds, their schedules throws everything off and is quite difficult, but the memories we make during our travels make it all worthwhile! Can't wait for our next adventure! :)

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