We had a very eventful Easter weekend. It was full, busy, but so enjoyable! We love Easter and get SO excited at the thought of focusing on the fact that our Lord Jesus conquered sin and death and is alive! Our boys learned to say "Happy Easter! Jesus is Alive!" We never want them to think of Easter outside of the fact that He lives! In all our busyness, we didn't take too many pictures and though these pictures don't fully convey all of our special weekend, they will give you a glimpse...
All week long we constantly shared the Easter story with our boys through Resurrection Eggs. These are a wonderful idea for getting the beautiful Easter story across to little minds. Our boys loved the resurrection eggs I was able to put together and JJ, especially, quickly caught on and could tell me the story as each egg was opened. This was our favorite part of the Easter festivities, as it showed our little boys' minds grasping the true Easter message. We pray that soon they would truly believe and trust in the Risen Christ.
Thursday evening, our church held a special Maundy Thursday service. This was a special time of reading Scripture focused on the cross, singing hymns, and taking part in the Lord's Supper. What made it even more special for our family was that our church encouraged all kids (and babies) to remain in the service. Of course, Josh had to be up leading the service, so it was quite interesting for me to sit with my three boys in a pew, trying to keep them under control :) They did very well...for the most part...we were really proud of them and what I really enjoyed was how they observed the Lord's Supper for the first time ever. During that part of the service, all three were extremely calm, just watching and asking me a couple whispered questions. What a blessing to take part in something like that as a family.

JJ does not like pictures, which makes for some interesting family pictures, as you can see below...
Maybe the best one?? Is it even possible to get a good, all eyes on the camera picture with 3 kids 3 and under?? :)
We thoroughly enjoyed our Easter celebration. What joy there is in celebrating the love, life and power in a crucified, yet living King! As the last line in our boys' favorite Easter song says, "Hallelujah, Christ Arose!"