Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Big Brother Jeremiah and Mother's Day

We had an eventful Mother's Day weekend. After a busy day with a yard sale and car wash at the church (to raise money for Youth Summer Camp) on Saturday, Jeremiah had his senior prom. It was exciting for us to watch him get ready and see him off. Below you can see the handsome brothers in picture! :)
Sunday was a wonderful day, as it was my first Mother's Day- such a gift and special blessing from God! He is too good to me in allowing me to experience the great joy there is in being a mother. The actual day was not too pleasant. It was storming all day long. We had JJ in a cute outfit, but never got a chance to take any pictures, as they took me out to lunch and we hurried home, trying not to get too wet, and ready for naps. The last picture is of me with JJ about to have his bath before bedtime. There are plenty of sweet moments in motherhood and I treasure them all!
The middle picture is a family picture we took for our mothers (JJ's grandmothers). We love our mothers and appreciate them more and more over the years. We thank God for godly grandmothers for our son!

Gracias Tia Natalia!

A Josuesito le encanta el juguete que le dio su tia Natalia! Es perfecto- grande y de muchos colores...y a JJ le fascina mirarlo, llevarlo a la boca, y simplemente tenerlo con sus deditos...como ven, ni siquiera lo suelta cuando duerme! :) Gracias, tia Natalia!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

North Carolina

Hace varias semanas (fines de Marzo) Josuesito tuvo su primer viaje a North Carolina a visitar a sus abuelitos y tios. Recien ahora logramos poner estas fotos para que vean cuanto les quiere Josuesito a sus abuelitos y tios! Estuvo tan feliz! Pasamos un lindo tiempo alla, yendo en caminatas con los abuelitos, siendo baniado por las abuelitas y tia Natalia, celebrando la vida de Josuesito con una fiestesita, viendo el basketball con los abuelitos, y disfrutando los brazos y tanto amor de toditos. Gracias por un lindo viaje, que aunque ya ha pasado el tiempo, tenemos lindas memorias que nos hacen esperar ansiosamente el siguiente viaje. Le damos tantas gracias a Dios que nuestro hijito crecera recibiendo tanto amor de unos abuelitos y tios que le aman a Dios sobre todo y desde ya le leen la Biblia y oran con el. Que bendicion!

Several weeks ago (end of March) JJ went on his first trip to North Carolina to visit grandparents and uncle and aunts. We have just now been able to put these pictures up for you to see how much JJ loves his grandparents and aunts/uncle! He was so happy! We had a great time there, going on walks with grandparents, taking a bath with grandmothers and aunt Natalia, celebrating JJ's life with a little party, watching basketball with grandfathers, and enjoying being in everyone's arms. Thank you for such a wonderful trip! Though it is now behind us, we have many beautiful memories which cause us to anxiously await our next trip. We thank God so much that our son will grow up receiving so much love from grandparents, aunts and uncles who love God above all and even now read him the Bible and pray with him. What a blessing!

Les queremos y extraniamos!!!...y ahora les esperamos aca! :)
We love you and miss you!!!..and now we wait for you here! :)