Our home here right outside of Louisville received 14 inches of snow in the past 48 hours or so! It is absolutely beautiful outside. This, of course, was JJ's first snow blizzard. We had received flurries even from the day he was born in January, but this was the first real, accumulated and deep snowfall for us...and we couldn't resist bundling JJ up REALLY well and taking him out to see what snow is all about...
"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7
Please keep praying that these words would soon be a reality in the life of our little son.

En dos dias, hemos recibido 14 pulgadas de nieve aqui en las afueras de Louisville! Todo esta blanco, blanco afuera y se ve lindisimo. Esta fue la primera gran nevada en la vida de JJ. Claro que ha habido un poco de nieve desde que nacio en Enero, pero esta fue la primera gran acumulacion y no pudimos resistir...asi que le arropamos a nuestro chiquito y le sacamos para que vea de que se trata la nieve...
"Venid luego, dice Jehova, y estemos a cuenta: si vuestros pecados fueren como la grana, como la nieve seran emblanquecidos..." Isaias 1:18
"Purificame con hisopo, y sere limpio; lavame y sere mas blanco que la nieve." Salmo 51:7
Sigan orando para que pronto estas palabras sean una realidad en la vida de nuestro hijito.

1 comment:
Where's the snowman?!? So cool to see the little dude outside!
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