As 2012 is coming to an end, I am feeling a lot of unworthiness to where God has placed me in life. I am thrilled to be the "daddy" to three little boys.
I love being a Father to three boys who will one day soon (faster than I can really grasp- JJ turns 4 in 3 days) be men. I pray that God would use them to do great big brave strong things to tell the world of His Glory in Jesus.
I don't really know how to raise them so that they "turn out" that way. But I do know that Valeria and I pray for them a lot. We love them a lot. We spend a lot of quality time with them. And all 3 of those things are visibly centered around Jesus, His cross, and His word.
And up until this point, I am enjoying it and the three boys are enjoying it. (they seem to be very happy.)
Here is a recent picture of the four of us at the Lousiville Zoo. We climb up on this rock every time we pass it. JJ and Eli can both climb up on it by themselves now. Noah cannot yet. JJ can jump off. Eli and Noah cannot yet. All 3 of them are progressing well.
Valeria loves us all so much.